Wednesday 30 June 2010

Day 65 Woudrichen to Willemstad

Day 65. Woudrichen to Willemstad. 72.84 kms cycled. 4.22 hours cycling. 26.14 km/h max speed. 16.64 km/h average speed. Weather – sunny and hot.

With the temperature hovering around the 30 degree mark today the locals were doing it tough. After a couple of hot days they are starting to wilt as they are definitely not used to the heat.
  On the other hand, I have been in my element and love the warmer weather after such cold weather through Portugal, Spain, France and part of Germany.
  And really it isn’t that hot, but try telling that to the Dutch people, they think the heat is exceptional and don’t know what has struck them.
As I make my way towards the North Sea there are more and more lakes and rivers everywhere – it certainly is a country of water.
  Anyway, on one of the many ferry crossings that are necessary along the way, I got talking to a couple of elderly ladies about their electric bikes that are apparently new on the market.
  The bikes - which look like any normal bike - are powered by a very small electric motor about 2 cm thick that is incorporated into the back pannier rack. You can have full, part or no electric power and can ride for a distance of about 70km before needing to recharge the battery.
  But what really stunned me was the earpiece that one of the ladies was wearing. The earpiece monitors the cyclist’s heart rate and when it reaches a certain rate automatically switches on or increases the power from the electric motor. Amazing. I am sure these bikes aren’t in a Australia yet, it would be a good opportunity for a smart operator (with a lot of capital) to import and distribute them!!
  One of the ladies had a chronic knee problem and said the bike had allowed her to get out and about on a bike for the first time in years. I am sure there would be many people like her out riding in Australia if they had a similar bike.
It is early morning as I write this and am about to head off for the day. Hopefully I will make it to the North Sea where I can see the famous Dutch dykes that everyone says I MUST see.
  After that I am heading towards Rotterdam where the Tour de France starts on Saturday. That ties in perfectly with my schedule, so it will be a unique opportunity to see a stage of the tour live. How good is that!!!!!!!!!!

captions: Pics 1,2 and 3: Different shots` from around Willemstad, it was a beautiful village. Pic 4: The numbered signs I have been so faithfully following

1 comment:

  1. How come everything always falls into place for you, the start of the Tour De france, people would sell their soul to be there!!! But just by chance you just happen to be nearby - what luck. I am with Mum, the electric bike sounds good for me toooooooo
    ps I just remembered we were in Paris last year and saw the tour de france - woops
