Wednesday 16 June 2010

Day 51 Sightseeing in Frankfurt

Day 51. Sightseeing in Frankfurt.

Like all major cities around the world Frankfurt is a major metropolis, but thanks to local knowledge gained from Joel and Linda I was able to easily see all its highlights.
  What I found fascinating was the fact that most of the city is a new/old city. It was totally destroyed by Allied bombers towards the end of World War 2, but was rebuilt using original plans to look just as it did before the war.
  And many buildings - particularly in the old city  - that were built in the 60s and 70s that did not recreate the look of the area as it was before the war are slowly being demolished to make way for faithful recreations.
  The result is a stunning new/old city that draws tourists from around the world right next to the modern Frankfurt of today.
  In the Emporer’s Cathedral there were photos taken of Frankfurt at the end of the war and the only building left standing was the cathedral itself.
  Whether on purpose or by divine intervention the entire city was destroyed, but the cathedral was spared … amazing.
  With a city tourist guide and Linda’s what to see tips, I literally walked around the city from one end to the other.
  One of the main streets in the centre of town was closed off at lunchtime, with dozens of stalls set up selling all types of cooked German sausages, pastries and other goodies so it was a great opportunity to try a variety of different foods. 
  Linda’s knowledge of the train system was also invaluable, as I was able to get into and out of Frankfurt without any dramas.
  Tomorrow it is off to Weisbaden and possibly Mainz … this sightseeing business is really hard work!!  

captions Pic 1: The cathedral was the only building left standing in the city at the end of the war. Pic 2. The cathedral today. Pic 3: The centre of the city was closed for lunch Pic 4: The old town centre square Pic 5: The central city area Pic 6: Modern Frankfurt behind old Frankfurt. Pic 7: Looking down the river.


  1. Brilliant that you met poople who could help you re the best sites to see (and also sans bike)If u do visit Weisbaden I imagine u will enjoy it there.Well done on your travels and have loved all the fotos and info u sent to us

  2. Hi,
    Great to chat on skype tonight, its really good to see you looking so well and relaxed, have fun on your travels today.
