Wednesday 30 June 2010

Day 64 Heerewaarden to Woudrichem

Day 64. Heerewaarden to Woudrichem. 52.15 kms cycled. 3.06 hours cycling. 29.45 km/h max speed. 16.78 km/h average speed. Weather – sunny and hot.

When in Holland do what the Dutch do, plan your whole day around supporting your team in the World Cup football match between Holland and Slovenika.
The build up to the game over the past few days has been huge, so I planned the day’s cycling to make sure I was in a town with a campground so I could watch the game.
Complete with my orange shirt I joined a big crowd of fanatical Dutch supporters in a large hall adjacent to the campground.
With everyone in the crowd wearing the national colour orange, I blended in perfectly … so much so that I was even offered beer and food. The fact that I couldn’t speak a word of Dutch didn’t seem to worry anyone. I was barracking for their team and that was all that mattered.
With Holland winning 2-1 everyone was suitably impressed, with high fives and much shouting all around.
As for the day’s cycling, it was much of a repeat of the previous day as I wandered from village to village along the River Waal.
Now that I am getting closer to Rotterdam the towns are getting much closer together and bigger, so the next couple of days of cycling promise to be interesting as I navigate my way through the maze.
Actually my destination before I go to Rotterdam central is to see some of the dykes on the North Sea Coast. Even the locals say they are a must see, so it should be quite interesting.
As I see it at this stage I am right on schedule to be in Amsterdam on July 9 as planned.

captions: pic 1: I love the Dutch windmills Pic 2: Am also fascinated by the traditional Dutch homes with their thatched roofs. Pic 3:A Dutch castle I visited along the way Pic 4: Another river crossing this time on a small boat.

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