Monday 21 June 2010

Day 56 Oberwinter to Rodenkirchen

Day 56. Oberwinter to Rodenkirchen. 46.57 kms cycled. 2.55 hours cycling. 31.2 km/h max speed. 15.88 km/h average speed. Weather – cold, wet at times and freezing.

56 days after setting out from Faro in Portugal with 2000 euros spending money, I finally had to top up my finances today.
  Not including dental expenses and two nights hotel accommodation that I put on my credit card, I work that out at 35 euros per day – not bad at all for nearly two months travel through Europe including all food, sightseeing and transport costs.
  Without doubt cycling is the best and cheapest form of travel if you camp and watch your expenses along the way. And believe me I haven’t held back in the food department. While I certainly haven’t eaten out every night, I have eaten much, much more than I normally would at home. In fact there have been times when even I couldn’t believe my appetite after another hard day’s cycling.
  And I have still managed to lose weight… sounds like the perfect formula for a food addict!! Cycle all day, eat as much as you want and stay slim and toned.
  Portugal was by far the cheapest country, followed by Spain and France, with Germany extremely expensive for just about everything.
  The Germans have made it into an art form to find new and innovative ways to charge extra. At camp grounds you pay the exorbitant camping fees (up to 18 euro for a tent site for one night) then have to pay to have a shower and one even charged extra to use the toilet.
  There is no such thing as free internet access as there was in the other countries. Wireless connections are non-existent and everywhere – including McDonalds – there is a charge for internet connection. As an example I just used the computer at the campground here at Rodenkirchen and was charged 5 euros for 12 minutes access.
  Food is also extremely expensive as are entrance fees to attractions such as castles etc. The end result has been that my money has disappeared much quicker here than anywhere else.
  But I guess I can’t complain too much, 35 euros average is extremely cheap for everything I have done over the past 56 days!!!!!
After a late and wet start to the day’s cycling, I managed to make it to just outside Koln where I will take the day off cycling and go sightseeing tomorrow.
  I also had a good look around a deserted Bonn (it is Sunday) along the way, but unfortunately it was extremely cold so it was hard to get into the sightseeing mood.
  Bonn appears to be a lovely town and was where Beethoven was born in 1770. It has many, many pedestrian precincts and as many cafes and pubs you could possibly want in one city.
  But the one thing it doesn’t have is internet access … I thought I would try, but once again failed.
  captions: Pics 1&2: The famous bridge at Remagen where the Americans crossed towards the end of the war. Pic 3: Another castle Pic 4: Bonn is` a` lovely city


  1. Wow u have had a good and inexpensive journey and well done.And u have seen some amazing and wonderful villages ect along the way.Played bowls again today and had another win !!! Its getting to be a good habit Keep the fotos coming as really enjoy them

  2. Hi, Great to chat last night, and your plan of going into Belgium sounds good, I think it is time to move on from Germany. It will give you more time in the Netherlands for a wee bit of sightseeing.
    Hewitt and Molik won last night at Wimbledon, Federer was nearly beaten, but came back to win in 5 sets.
    I love the photos you are posting, can't wait to see them all when you come home.

  3. I think that Julie is in scottish mode Gary !!! loved the "wee bit of sightseeing" that she wrote.Saying that I think she is right as Germany is and always has been expensive and Belgium seems a better option x
