Saturday 19 June 2010

Day 53 Bischofsheim to Assmannhausen

Day 53. Bischofsheim to Assmannhausen. 48.29 kms travelled (32 by car, 16.29 by bike). 1.11 hours cycling. 27.69 km/h max speed. 13.65 km/h average speed. Weather – overcast and wet.

Now, this is the Rhine Valley I came to see. After too many kilometres of a boring, industrial-dominated landscape, finally I am into the picture postcard area the Rhine is so famous for.
  After waking to a miserable wet day, my plans for the day were somewhat thrown into disarray. In the end Joel offered to drive me to Rudesheim about 32 km downstream to avoid a bad traffic area and to hopefully give the weather time to clear up.
  So it wasn’t until about 2pm that I finally started cycling after saying my goodbyes to Joel and Linda, two very lovely and hospitable people that I had enjoyed two memorable days with.
  After deciding in conjunction with Joel that the west bank of the river was the best to cycle along as there were more castles and other attractions to see, I caught the ferry across the river and finally started cycling.
  But it wasn’t long before the drizzling rain turned to a downpour, so I decided to call it quits for the day after just 16 kms of cycling.
  As it turned out it was a good move, because the campground is just about opposite Burg Reichenstein Castle, which I visited after setting up my tent and unloading all my gear into it.
  Despite the continuing pouring rain I leisurely toured the fascinating castle which was built way back in the 1100s and is now privately owned. After enjoying a drink at the end of the tour, I started talking to the son of the family about the history of the castle and the improvements they have made to it over the past 25 years which gave me a great insight into it.
  The views from the castle in both directions along the Rhine are stunning and would be even better on a fine, sunny day.
  Tomorrow, weather permitting, I plan to cycle to St Goar and possibly Koblenz stopping as often as possible at the various castles along the way. Unfortunately the weather forecast for the next few days is bleak, so the weather will probably play a big part in determining my progress.
  There is no doubt about it, I have certainly had my fair share of bad weather along the way. But after a good rest over the past few days I am well and truly refreshed and looking to the final 20 or so days of cycling.

captions: Pic 1: Goodbye to Joel and Linda. Pic 2,3 and 4: Reichenstein Castle

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