Monday 21 June 2010

Day 55 Spay to Oberwinter

Day 55. Spay to Oberwinter. 75.37 kms cycled. 5.05 hours cycling. 25.2 km/h max speed. 14.80 km/h average speed. Weather – overcast and cold with a few showers.

I can’t believe this is summer in Europe, because it is freezing. With a bitterly cold wind seemingly going right through you, it definitely wasn’t a day to be out cycling.
But that was exactly what I did for five hours after deciding to adopt a ‘ take it as it comes’ attitude to the ongoing bad weather.
Actually the weather wasn’t the low point of the day; it was the impossibility of finding internet access in Germany.
In all the other countries I have visited internet connections were relatively easy to find. But not here in Germany. Wireless connections are virtually non-existent – even in internet cafes – tourist information centres are no help and even McDonalds do not provide the internet.
With a few urgent emails to send, I spent 2 very frustrating hours in Koblenz trekking throughout the town with my bicycle trying to find a connection.
I eventually tracked it down, but there were restrictions on sending photographs so I couldn’t upload pics onto the blog which was very annoying.
Koblenz is a beautiful town, but after all the dramas all I wanted to do was get out, so unfortunately I didn’t get to see much from a sightseeing point of view.
And once again because it was so cold and wet, photos were virtually out of the question all day, so in the end it was a bit of a wasted day.
Anyway, I will see what tomorrow brings – hopefully better weather and good riding!!!!!!

captions: A Beautiful castle castle high on the hill across the river ... unfortunatel not good weather conditions for photography. Pic 2: Koblenz

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