Monday 14 June 2010

Day 49 Sightseeing in Worms

Day 49 Sightseeing in Worms

Well, I have walked Worms from top to bottom and loved it. With a history dating back over 1600 years, there is plenty to see – and as a bonus they have their tourist information in English, which believe me makes a huge difference comprehending that history.
  Right up there as the town’s focal point is the Imperial Cathedral of St Peter, a massive and impressive church built in the 11th and 12th centuries.
  Being Sunday there was a service on in the morning when I was first there and was unable to go inside, but I returned in the afternoon to marvel at the incredible interior.
  But probably the most interesting part of the town, I found, was Europe’s oldest Jewish cemetery that is full of over 2000 graves dating back to 1076.
  It was like walking around a horror movie set, such was the aura of the place.
  However, while the history and architecture of Worms is fascinating, the big story for the town today is the World Cup soccer match between Germany and Australia.
  The town’s centre square has been specially set up with a big screen, corporate boxes and food stalls for the telecast of the game. And it is all right over the road from the hotel I am staying in.
  I joined the huge crowd that turned up to watch the game and to say that I felt like an outsider is a statement of monumental understatement.
  Patriotic these Germans certainly are!!
  I was wondering whether I would show my colours if Australia happened to win, but didn’t need to ponder the question for long. Germany scored soon after the start and it only got worse for the Aussies, losing 4-0.
  To say the local Germans were ecstatic after the game is certainly an understatement. Horns, bugles, trumpets, flags they were all making as much noise and colour as possible as everyone went wild. I can’t imagine what it would be like if they actually win the World Cup, not just a first round match!!
 Me, I thought it prudent to go back to my hotel room to listen to the chaos outside. All in all, another interesting experience along the way.
 It's now onto Mainz, Weisbaden and maybe Frankfurt and beyond. Just love this cycle touring!!!!!!!!!!!!

captions: Pic 1: The Jewish cemetery Pic 2: The town's medieval church. Pic 3 Central Hotel where I stayed for 2 nights. Pic 4: The town square and soccer celebrations



  1. Hi,
    We are back from New Zealand and I have just been catching up on your blogs, sounds like all is still going well for you on your cycle tour. I have never heard of Worms before, I will have to have a look on the internet to see where you are. We just watched the final of Hewitt and Federer which was played in Heller Germany, he won in 3 sets. He played an amazing game, lets hope that means he is on track for the finals at Wimbledon this year.
    I hope you make it to Weisbaden as I know that was another favourite spot of Mum and Dads from when they travelled around Germany.
    Glad you still love your cycle tour

  2. Hi yes Wiesbadan is lovely and years ago went down the Rhine from Koblenz to Wiesbadan and it was beatiful.You are certainly catching up on your geography and i imagine its just amazing seeing these wonderful churches and having the time to find out about them all.Cant wait to read your ""book"" when u write it x
