Saturday 29 May 2010

Day 33 le Gurp to Royan

Day 33. le Gurp to Royan 29.01 kms cycled. 1.59 hours cycling. 29.09 km/h max speed. 14.55 km/h average speed. Weather – sunny but quite cool.

After eight straight days cycling in France including the crossing of the Pyrenees, it’s time for a rest!!!
  For one reason or another planned rest days over the past three days didn’t eventuate, so I didn’t give myself the opportunity to change my mind and keep pedalling … I booked and paid for 2 nights at a lovely campground in Royan.
  But seriously, the ride from the Pyrenees to here has been enjoyable, but a solid grind, so a day off before the 240 km trip to the Loire River is just what was needed.
  I am a firm believer in listening to your body and my body was definitely telling me to back off when I got on the bike today. As a result I only cycled the 25+ kms to the ferry which takes you over the sea passage from Pointe de Grave to Royan before calling it a day.
  So basically there is virtually nothing to report today. It has basically been a day of getting things in order – doing clothes washing, finding a supermarket and the ever elusive internet connection which I finally tracked down at McDonalds.
  Oh, I also found a couple of patisserie shops where I just had to try some of their goodies.
  I don’t think my body knows what is going on. On one hand it wants to lose weight because of all the long hours of exercise I am doing, but on the other hand it wants to load it on because of the ridiculously rich slices etc – plus baguettes – I am eating.
  At the moment it seems to be a line ball. I’m threatening to drop another notch on my belt, but maybe it won’t happen after all.
  Royan is a very sophisticated town overlooking the water. They are preparing for a major festival that will happen over the weekend, so it is a pity I will just miss it.
  Along the waterfront there are dozens of upmarket restaurants and shops that are way out of my budget range. I had a quick look today, but will take a longer stroll around town tomorrow.
  My basic French is getting better, I can now greet, ask if they speak English, say goodbye and generally make myself understood – on occasions.
  If you make a bit of an effort to meet and greet the French up front, they are very accommodating and do their best to help wherever possible despite the language gap.

captions. Pic 1: I just love these French menu boards. Pic 2: the ferry docking at Royan. Pic 3: Royan cafe late afternoon


  1. Brisbane just defeated collingwood by 8 points

  2. hi,
    its a pity about the weather, maybe you can stay another day if it is still raining tomorrow. That was so cute listening to the children sing happy birthday in french. It just shows you how much all the riding has taken out of you, its no wonder you are sleeping so much, you will feel great again after catching up on your sleep. You have hardly taken a break in a month and a half.
    Great catching up tonight xx
