Saturday 22 May 2010

Day 26 Pamplona (Spain) to St Jean Pied de Port (France)

Day 26 Pamplona (Spain) to St Jean Pied de Port (France). 82.95 Kms cycled. 5.32 hours cycling. 49.5 km/h max speed. 14.94 km/h average speed. Weather – perfect for cycling sunny and about 20 degrees.

Well, I’ve made it. I’m finally in France after crossing the Pyrenees on a perfect Spring day. And what a day it was … tough and exhilarating all rolled into one and very, very satisfying.
And it is sooooooooo good to be in France!!!!!! The cultural difference between Spain and France is just so huge, but there is one thing both countries have very much in common and that is their border, the magnificent Pyrenees.
The only problem I had all day was constant traffic on the route I took over the mountains. With many passes still closed by late spring snow, the route to St Jean Pied de Port has had all traffic over the mountains channelled onto it.
But not even cars and trucks going past me could take away the thrill of successfully completing the climb, seeing that magnificent view from the top and enjoying the longest and steepest downhill ride I have ever had on a bicycle.
Actually, the route to St Jean Pied de Port is three mountain climbs. The first is to about up to 850 metres, the road then plunges down into the valleys before climbing again to 900 metres before once again going down and finally climbing again to the final peak at over 1000 metres.
The first two climbs were a bit of an anti climax because trees obscured the views at the top, but the third was fantastic with views as far as you could see towards France.
There is a small chapel at the top that is a magnet for the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who pass by, and obviously for cyclists like me who thank God that they made it!!
It isn’t the highest pass over the Pyrenees by a long way, but my legs certainly knew they had had enough when I finally made it to the top of that third mountain.
The scenery on the downhill descent was amazing; in fact I think I took more photos of that section than I have anywhere else on the trip.
About 20 kms from the peak I finally crossed into France, and couldn’t you tell that you had crossed borders. Obviously the architecture is different, but everything is so orderly and how can I put it, so French.
As soon as I arrived in St Jean Pied de Port my first call was to the local bike shop to fix an annoying problem with my gears, then onto the municipal campground before wandering around town.
And what an absolutely beautiful place it is. The town is absolutely full of pilgrims (it is a major meeting point on the way to Santiago), plus there are hundreds of other tourists from all around world going by the many different languages I can hear around the campground.
My next job is to work out my route for the next few days. I have been so consumed with travelling through Portugal and Spain up until now that I haven’t really studied the French map in any detail.
But now it has my full attention and I must admit I am really looking forward to the next 5 or so weeks in France.

captions. Pic 1: More pilgrims - I have seen thousands. Pic 2: Distant views (I have heaps more) Pic 3: I made it!!!!! Pic 4: Some of the crosses left at the pass by Pilgrims Pic 5: As good as you are going to get to a Welcome to France sign Pic 6: St Jean Pied de Port. Pic 7: One for Rayleen. A shop that only sells espadrilles


  1. Yay! Finally in France, enjoy it there! Sending my love xxx

  2. Bonjour and bravo! You can put on your French hat now and enjoy all the wonderful sights and tastes for the next 5 weeks in France. Really looking forward to your wonderful descritive blog on this leg of your journey. au revoir Luv M X

  3. I am sooooo jealoussssss, 5 weeks in France, I am so looking forward to reading your blog on this leg of the journey with all your great photos, it will be a great chapter in your book!!
    hmmmmmm now a name for your book
    Ooh La La My Cycling Adventures in Europe

  4. just thought of another name for your book
    Live the Dream
    Cycling adventures from Portugal to the Netherlands

  5. Bounjour Gary Comment ca Va !!!! Thought I would get my litle bit of French into your blog as well !!!!! Enjoy xx Cathie and Ron
