Tuesday 11 May 2010

Day 15 Sightseeing in Miranda do Duoro

What another beautiful little town Miranda do Douro is. Situated on the border with Spain in northern Portugal, Miranda do Duoro is a town full of history.
I only just wish they would provide history details at the different historic sites all around town in English, so I could be all the more learned about that history!!
Anyway, visually it is a beautiful town, with many narrow laneways, a historic cathedral, roman remains and much, much more.
As it has been bitterly cold, I did not spend a huge amount of time wandering around, choosing instead to put my feet up at the hotel preparing and resting up for the next leg of my trip across northern Spain.
With the weather forecast for the next week bleak indeed, it sounds as though it is going to be a wet and cold introduction to Spain.
At least I won’t have the same huge hills to climb as I did in Portugal for the first few days at least, so riding - as long as there is no wind or hopefully a tailwind - will be much easier than it was over the past 2 weeks.
Anyway, short and sweet today, not much else to report.
I am told internet connections are not so easy to find in Spain, so I don’t know how regular my blog postings will be for the next 10 or so days, but I will certainly update the site as often as possible.
Happy cycling!!!!!!!!!!!

captions. Top 4 pics various pics from around the old Miranda do Douro town. Pic 5: The view from town looking down to the Spanish border. Have a look at the road up the left side, that is the climb into Spain!!!! Pic 6: A different angle of the spectacualr gorge between Portugal and Spain.


  1. Hi after initially having trouble getting on your site I must admit that Ron and I r now 'Gazza Treckies"and r really enjoying your journey (and a bit of local history)and that Duoro was built in the middle ages !! Also looked up the traditional dish around the area and its"Posta a Mirandesa" which is a thick steak !! so enjoy if u have one x

  2. Hi Dad

    Checked on your house today. All looks fine, it looks cleaner then when you are there!!! Joking!! Hope all is well. XOXOXOX
