Saturday 8 May 2010

Day 12 Sabugal to Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo

Day 12… Sabugal to Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo.75.57kms cycled. 4.48 hours cycling. 55.41km/h max speed. 15.70 average speed. Weather – overcast and cold with one torrential downpour and some thunder.

IT’s amazing what a rest, less hills and no wind in your face can do to lift your spirits.
Not only did I cover more kilometres than I expected today, but at times I virtually felt that I was turbo charged.
With no wind to deal with the big hills that came my way were dealt with relatively easily, with my biggest concern for the day trying to stay warm.
When I left Sabugal at about 7.30am the temperatures was about 1 or 2 degrees and believe me it didn’t get much warmer all day.
For the majority of the day I coasted along the top of the mountain range that I had so much trouble climbing over previous days, and for the first time so far I think I had more downhills than I did uphills.
There is no doubt about Portugal, it certainly has ever changing scenery. For the majority of the day today I was cycling through an area that just a couple of months ago was covered in snow – and believe me from the temperature it felt like the snow should still have been there.
The wildflowers of further down south have now given way to barren plains covered with huge granite boulders that I am told were put there by a huge glacier that covered the whole area millions of years ago.
It is spectacular indeed, but unfortunately because it was so overcast and misty I didn’t feel that any photos would do it justice today. I will see what the terrain – and weather - is like tomorrow and hope to get some pics then.
About 10 klms from Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo the dark clouds rolled in quickly and before I knew it, it started to pour. Fortunately I was well prepared with all my wet weather gear at the top of my pannier and was able to get it out and on pretty quickly.
As it is so cold and wet I have decided to stay in a residencial for another night here, which should also give me a good chance to have a look around town.
With only 2 or 3 days max left in Portugal, I have to say that I will be sad to leave. It is a beautiful country with friendly people and hopefully one day I can see much more of it.

captions....Top pic: Everywhere you look farmers are hand sowing their fields. Pic 2: The beautiful Cao River that I followed for much of the day. Pic 3: A renovators delight. Pic 4. The River Cao again in a much wilder setting.


  1. Hi glad all going well Portugal is certainly a beautiful place and so much history.Great about the 'downhills " to the uphills.You must be feeling really pleased with how u r doing and u sound as if u r really enjoying the experience Well done x

  2. Hi son, lost my internet for a couple of days
    back on cyber space again. Can not believe only a day or two left in Portugal, what a wonderful ride so far, at what point do you leave Portugal for Spain? Weather hopefully should get a little warmer as Spring advances. XX

  3. I read your description of my country with passion. But you should understand 80% of the Portugese working population just attained the lower basic level of education, so very few people speak and understand English. Probably, you will have the same problem in northern Spain.
    It is best to know some Portuguese and Spanish basic words:
    English – Portuguese - Spanish
    Chicken – frango – pollo
    Pork – porco - cerdo
    Beef – vitela – ternera
    Red wine – vinho tinto – viño rojo
    White wine – vinho branco – viño blanco
    Potatos – batatas – patatas

    Good luck
