Wednesday 26 May 2010

Day 30 Cap de l'Homy-Plage to Biscarrosse-Plage

Day 30. Cap de l’Homy-Plage to Biscarrosse-Plage. 82.2 kms cycled. 4.35 hours cycling. 41.26 km/h max speed. 17.86 km/h average speed. Weather – overcast but hot.

As I sit here contemplating what scintillating things to write today with baguette in one hand and vino in the other by the beach at beautiful Biscarrosse-Plage, I have decided it is time to stay put for a day.
Yes, it looks so good here and the beach is so inviting, that I think it is time to have my first of what I expect will be quite a few days off the bicycle in France.
With the huge hills of Portugal and Spain behind me, I think it is time to kick back for a while and go into holiday mode. After all, come to think of it, I am on holidays and it is time to have some R&R.
And what better place to do it than at Biscarrosse, a holiday destination for surfers and holiday-makers from near and far.
I don’t know why, but the whole Atlantic Coast seems to remind me of the surf scene in Australia back in the ‘70s. It’s very basic, very underdeveloped and very, very inviting.
Today’s riding was also very enjoyable along 80 kms of bicycle tracks and well away from all the traffic. At one stage while enjoying a block of chocolate while riding next to a large lake, I started to think ‘how lucky am I, this is just fantastic’.
Anyway, the kilometres just flew past on the nearly flat terrain. So much so, that once again I clocked up more kms than I had expected … another reason for deciding to take tomorrow off for a swim at the beach and to have a good look around.
I have booked into an up-market camping ground about 1 kilometre from the beach and have stocked up again on my food rations after finally eating all my Portuguese and Spanish stocks.
That bottle of wine I bought at the supermarket today is waiting so until tomorrow it is over and out from Biscarrosse.

captions. Pic 1: My surfy neighbours Pic 2: Sunset over the Atlantic Pic 3: Sap collecting from pines trees is a huge industry in this part of the world.


  1. What's changed, sunning yourself on a beautiful beach, sounds wonderful, as you said it's a holiday, enjoy. So far France has been full of pleasant surprises and you were so looking forward to this leg of your trip. Will be off the air for a couple of days, visiting friends, will look forward to catching up when we return. Love you M X

  2. Hope you had a great day and didn't have to large a hangover from the bottle of wine the night before......xx
