Monday 17 May 2010

Day 20 Lerma to Vizcainos

Day 20. Lerma to Vizcainos. 56.09 kms cycled. 3.34 hours cycling. 41.69 km/h max speed. 15.70 km/h average speed. Weather – overcast and cool with one thunderstorm with hail.

After a bit of a sleep in at the hostel and generally a slow start to the day in Lerma, I finally hit the road at about 11am.
  In particular I was keeping a track of the days of the week, and knew only too well that it was Saturday. In other words stock the panniers up with food because nothing, I mean nothing, is open in Spain on a Sunday.
  After getting the days of the week confused the previous week and almost running out of food, I hit the Lerma fruiterer and Supermacado (convenience store) with zest and left the town brimming with food.
  Basically it was a case of stuff how much it weighs, I am just about to ride into the Sierra de la Demanda mountain range (there is something very worrying about that name!!!!) and I need sustenance.
  From Lerma the road was straight and flat to Covarrubias, but boy did the terrain change after that.
  The scenery returned to the beautiful sights that I had come to expect over the past few weeks, after a few days of wheat country. The whole area was filled with rolling hills, woodland, fast-flowing streams and a valley with mountains rising up on all sides.
  Unfortunately just as I was arriving into Covarrubias I suffered my third flat tyre for the trip and while fixing it a violent thunderstorm along with hail swept through.
  Fortunately I was under cover, but for a while I thought my day’s riding may have come to a premature end.
  But as quickly as the storm swept in it cleared up and with the tube changed off I went again.
  The next 30 kilometres was absolutely beautiful country, with the scenery near and far breathtaking. In the distance – where I am heading – the mountains in the Sierra de la Demanda mountain range are covered in snow, with one of my main thoughts whether the road I am taking will take me above the snow line … I certainly hope not!!!!!
  Anyway, the day’s cycling came to an abrupt halt after 56 kilometres with yet another flat tyre. I soon found a good wild camp site and set about setting up camp and once again changing the tube.
  As soon as possible I will need to buy some new tubes, as the ones I have I believe are faulty. From what I can see they are splitting, rather than being punctured from outside.
  All I know is that I am fast getting sick of changing flat tyres.
  Tomorrow promises to be an interesting day as I head up into those snow covered mountains, I’m just glad I bought along plenty of cold weather gear.

 captions. Top 2 pics: The beautiful town of Covarrubias. Pic 3: The scenery was fantastic. Pic 4: There are many fascinating old ruins along the way, I would love to know their history.

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