Tuesday 18 May 2010

Day 22 Sightseeing in Najera

Not really much to report today. With the day off from cycling my initial goals were to have a big sleep in, track down the tourist office and, most importantly, find a shop that sells bicycle tubes.
  I am pleased to report all were successfully achieved, although the tubes aren’t exactly the right size but in an emergency should keep me rolling.
  Hopefully in Pamplona I will be able to track down exactly what I am after, but the 9 Euros spent today on the two tubes was excellent insurance indeed nonetheless.
  What I have come to discover is that Najera is a major stopover point on the famous religious pilgrim route to Santiago in western Spain.
  The town is absolutely full of pilgrims who are walking – yes walking – to Santiago.
  They come in all shapes, sizes, ages and nationalities, but all have the one common goal, which is inspiring in itself. In a way I can almost relate to their determination to achieve their goal, my goal to cycle across Europe is vastly different and not religiously based, but I guess I am just as determined as they are to succeed!!
  There are a number of groups camped in the same private camp ground where I am staying, but the vast majority stay in a large dormitory-style building in town.
  I am told by a German couple here in the camp ground that the dormitory accommodation is basic in the extreme (5 Euros per night) and that you have to be able to put up with a chorus of snoring to be able stay. But I guess for those involved it is all part of the deal.
  Anyway, while I am far from a religious pilgrim I sort of got in on the act at lunchtime. The German couple told me about a fantastic restaurant they went to the previous night that had a special price of 8.5 Euros for a three-course meal for pilgrims.
  Not one to go past a good meal and a bargain one at that, I tracked down the restaurant and certainly enjoyed a great meal along with the hordes of pilgrims there.
  So don’t tell anyone, but I have unofficially become a pilgrim – at meal time at least!!   And from what I can tell my route to France follows the pilgrim route (although I am going in the opposite direction), so from here on in I will be on the lookout for pilgrim specials.
  With the weather on the improve, I am looking forward to a few days of sunny cycling with Pamplona and then the Pyrenees and ultimately France very definitely in my sights.
  Although I have absolutely loved Portugal and Spain, I must say I as very much looking forward to spending 5 or so weeks cycling across France.
  At least there they know how to bake great bread, something I just haven’t found so far on the trip.
 Anyway, time for an afternoon nap, until next time adios. 

caption: Najera


  1. Hi Pilgrim !!!! Great u got spare inners and I can almost smell the Bagettes the French cook mmmmmmm What adventures u r having x

  2. Loving the pics....beautiful countryside. Check your emails! xx

  3. We have a son named Gary, who never has time to tarry, he's cycled through Portugal and Spain, through cold wind and rain, so please, no trouble with knees as you cycle over the Pyrenees and many adventures aplenty. Luv M X
