Thursday 13 May 2010

Day 17 Castronuevo to Medina

Day 17. Castronuevo to Medina. 54.19kms cycled. 3.20 hours cycling. 37.30km/h max speed. 16.20 average speed. Weather – cold and wet.

After such a big day yesterday I didn’t need any rocking to sleep, but was still woken by torrential rain that pelted down on my little tent all night.
It was therefore a wet and late start to the day’s cycling and, frankly, it didn’t get much better.
The biting cold in combination with persistent showers and downpours made the going tough and to be truthful not very enjoyable.
As a result I decided to call a halt to proceedings after 54 kilometres at Medina, a good choice as it turned out.
With no campground in town I tracked down a nice hostel for just 20 Euros with internet included, so I couldn’t be happier. Into the bargain it is another fascinating town to explore which I have been doing for the past couple of hours.
As it is only 6 degrees outside there are few people around, so I felt as though I had the town to myself to explore.
Unfortunately I have looked at the weather forecast for the next few days and it doesn’t look like improving quickly so it looks like I will have to get used to riding in the rain!
What is that saying about the rain on the plain in Spain ... it's certainly very applicable at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captions: Pic 1: A dramatic sunset at Castronuevo Pic 2: The road ahead. Pic 3 & 4: Medina. Pic 5: Have a look at how the old buildings were made.


  1. Keep going because u know what they say ""when the going gets tough blah blah " It looks like its certainly testing your tent and wet gear and hope there holding up and it can only get warmer and not so rainy soon Cathie and Ron x

  2. Here you are again, thought we might not hear from you again for some time, glad you were able to get out of the rain and cold for the night in Medina. The sudden change in scenery is amazing. One puncture so far I guess is not too bad, thank goodness for the helpful blacksmith. Keep that tail wind blowing. Luv M X P.S. (It might help a little for you to know it's been cold and rainy here too)

  3. Beautiful sunset, you are very lucky! x

  4. Hi,
    I just love the sunset photo!! That can be the cover for your book. Great to catch up with you on skype
