Monday 5 July 2010

Days 69 and 70 Tour de France in Rotterdam

Days 69 and 70. Tour de France in Rotterdam. Cycled 43 kms

I always knew the Tour de France was the world’s most prestigious cycle race and a big-time production, but I never had any idea just how big.
  Over the past two days I have jostled with the best part of a million people for the best vantage points to get a fleeting glimpse of the riders. And it was worth every minute of it just to be a small part of the Tour de France and to witness the great atmosphere the race bought to this bicycle crazy country.
  Saturday was the time trial and Joel and Linda, the Americans I stayed with in Germany, met up with me to watch the action.
  They had been visiting friends in Belgium for a few days and specially travelled the extra few hundred kms north to Holland to see me, so we all made sure to make the most of the day.
  Basically I don’t think I have ever seen a crowd like it, it was HUGE. Unfortunately we underestimated the size of the crowd and left it a bit late to get a position on the front row to watch the early action, but I still managed to get plenty of good piccies.
  With the best riders – including Lance Armstrong and Aussie Cadel Evans – going last, we somehow muscled our way to the front elsewhere on the circuit, so had a front row position for the best of the best.
  While afternoon showers slowed the pace somewhat, the speed they went around the circuit was incredible and inspiring to see.
  Then on Sunday it was the start of the race. With Joel and Linda heading home to Germany I made sure I got to the circuit in plenty of time and snapped up a great position to see the riders as they went past. Once again the crowd was massive, but this time the sun was shining as the riders headed off to Brussels in Belgium.

After four nights in Rotterdam – my longest stop anywhere on the trip – I head off tomorrow for Utrecht via Gouda, the home of the worldwide famous cheese of the same name.
  All going to plan I should be in Utrecht on July 6 and will check out the city for a couple of days.
  Rotterdam is a nice city, but compared to some of the other big cities I have seen on this trip, nothing spectacular. Because the city had to be totally rebuilt after being destroyed in the war, there is plenty of boring 50 and 60s architecture, which to me is very uninspiring.
  But like everywhere else I have been in Holland everyone I have met has been incredibly friendly and accommodating. As you can tell I have really been impressed with The Netherlands.  

Captions: Pic 1: the campground quickly filling up with cycle fans. Pic 2: Last year's winner Contador flashes by. Pic 3: Look who made a guest appearance!!!!!!!!! Pic 4: Joel Linda and Gary Pic 5: Soon after the start of the race Pic 6: This guy broke down even before the race started Pic 7: After the start you could watch the progress on a big screen. Pic 8: On the harbour adjacent to the start line

1 comment:

  1. I totally couldn't work out that photo of you in the race....I was like WOW DAD ACTUALLY WAS ON THE TOUR DE FRANCE COURSE! It looks sooo real!!!! Haha! I finally got access to your blog at my work, so now I can keep up to speed. Glad to see you've had a great sightseeing few days!!! xoxoxox
