Friday 30 April 2010

Day 4 & 5 Aguiar to Evora

Day 4 Aguiar to Evora. 35.08 kms. 2.35 hours cycling. 32km/h max speed. 16.76 km/h average speed. Weather foggy early and then mild and sunny. Camped at Evora campground - cost 6.50 Euros.

A fairly uneventful day as far as cycling is concerned. After waking to a thick fog, I quickly ate breakfast and packed up for the relatively short 35km ride to Evora where I planned to sightsee.
Like all big cities, Evora’s traffic at about 9.30am when I arrived was chaotic, so it took me some time to get my bearings and find the tourisimo office in the centre of the old town.
Fortunately the lady in the tourist office spoke good English so I was easily able to understand the instructions as to how to get to the campground.
After setting up camp it was off to the centre of the city to explore the sights of this very pretty town. Unlike Beja that I couldn’t wait to get out of two nights earlier, Evora is a wonderful place to visit.
The centre of the old town has many things to see including Roman ruins, an old cathedral, an ancient aquaduct and countless narrow lanes that I enjoyed getting lost in.
On arrival back at the campground I was pleasantly surprised to meet a fellow cycling tourist from the USA in the camping spot right next to mine. With much in common we enjoyed a long chat over a few wines in the camp bar.
With still much to see in town I have decided to stay an extra day and will now head out to my next destination Estramez on Saturday.

Pictures: Top pic: Evora Town square pic 2: A typical old town lane pic 3: The Evora cathedral pic 4: The view from the cathedral. pic 5: The Cathedral` bell tower pic 6: Another view pic 7: The old Roman ruins pic 8: Another typical lane in the old city.


  1. I am just loving reading your blog, it is fantastic way to follow your travels. Every morning I am heading straight to the computer to see if you have uploaded a new blog, plus with your photos I feel as though I am seeing it through your eyes and are travelling with you. xx

  2. love your pics, those Romans certainly spread themselves around! Where was the American guy heading? We're all enjoying our bike ride with you without the hard work. love you X
